Being an Italian inside the hurricane Covid-19 I experimented in my country that people do not realize that is a serious affair for at least three or four weeks from the ramp up of the epidemic; so before you risk I can give you some suggestions!
I cannot guarantee they will protect you, yet I prefer to give you some ideas on how to survive better rather than give you useless information that you can get everywhere else!
Shortly you'll be filled with a lot of rules to follow in those days, rules that sooner or later will be transformed in laws, then in law enforcement!
I cannot guarantee they will protect you, yet I prefer to give you some ideas on how to survive better rather than give you useless information that you can get everywhere else!
Shortly you'll be filled with a lot of rules to follow in those days, rules that sooner or later will be transformed in laws, then in law enforcement!
Anyway there are some simple rules that you can use by yourself that are simple enough to be considered logical and - I hope - nobody will flag them as hoaxes or worse!
If you just stop a moment and you think by yourself about them you'll discover that you could find them in common sense!
If you just stop a moment and you think by yourself about them you'll discover that you could find them in common sense!
The danger of an indirect contact with virus
Everything you do to protect your breath is almost perfectly clear to everybody: it is sufficient to use masks! What is more complex to understand is the risk of contamination through indirect contact with stuff that was contaminated.
When you enter a shop and you buy anything you, your purse, your credit card or your bags enter in contact with many different things or surfaces that were in contact under the same conditions, producing a path for possible further contaminations either or by you (if you are the unaware carrier) or toward you (if someone before you was contaminated).
We can add just for sake of completion the fact that your shoes walk on many square feet of land in just the time of a short walk!
We can add just for sake of completion the fact that your shoes walk on many square feet of land in just the time of a short walk!
Not only our objects can enter in contact but what is worse, some stuff we buy are maybe manipulated by someone and can be contaminated.
As the contamination has endurance from few hours to some days (you can easily find information about somewhere on the Net!), you have to take some measures to avoid the risk of swallow or breath the virus, thus you entering in the statistics in a couple of weeks!
The unavoidable habit of eating
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Szabo Viktor |
Every time we go out, we are confronting with our capacity to dribble the virus as in soccer or basket! So the risk for us after our coming back at home has the same endurance the virus has and our best protection is to avoid the virus to enter our homes or become inactivated before we enter in contact with it or with the surfaces were under the risk of contamination!
How can the virus enter our homes if we pay attention and we clean everything? Through the surfaces or objects I mentioned before!
A cyclical outer life!
You can wrap your external life over a cyclical system that permits you to prevent
the above mentioned behaviors: surface contamination, endurance of virus on surfaces on goods, object, food and so on! If we organize our lives to have more days beyond the virus surviving time and easier will be our life at home; I mean, if the danger is - say - 2 days, so if I cycle my life over a period of 6 days starting to account them after any going out (for food or other reasons), I have 4 days effortless safe (or accordingly if the risk is longer!).
So the most of the risk is in the very early days after someone in our household has gone outside!
So we start to analyze what we can do in the first days after someone has entered our home!![]() |
CC BY-SA 2.5, Link |
Operation at home: housewifing in the time of Covid-19
There are many things we normally do to protect ourselves but some of them can be dramatically improved to avoid subtle mistakes!
One for all? How many people you guess can decide that the best, coming from outside, can be a nice cleaning of the floor with a vacuum cleaner? Yes the floor is clean yet subtle dusts that pass through the vacuum cleaner filters will fly jollily in the air you breath after they are lifted from the floor and spread in the air! Virus is tinier than the class of that filter!
Some other problems we can have:

them beside the entrance door and i walk beyond bare feet! Yes this time I enter few tens of inches and next one few more and I never remember where exactly I have to leave them so I can walk on the same steps I did before or I'm doing it wrongly? And what about my children, my wife/husband? How can I guarantee to them and to myself that we are consistent in our shoes management?
Food I bought! How can I handle it safely? How can I eat it ? Because I bought it from outside and it was handled by peoples with unpredictable health conditions (for sure they pay attention who doesn't? Nevertheless the disease is spreading!) I have to be careful!
I normally breath and you? I guess till you do it you are not in the statistics! Many try to use masks with valves, other change their masks continuously until they remain without! Have I to pay attention to myself only OR Have I to take care of others too? If everybody would take in care of others using the best care he/she knows, the need for strong enforcement could be superfluous! But as everybody cares just for the self we can act accordingly!
How to increase our chance to avoid any contact with SARS Cov-19?
Provided that we would stay at home for 4-6 days consecutively (I suggest for well established couples to conceals knives anyway!) Vacuum cleaner must be used just before anyone exits so when he/she'll be back no particles can stay around to accept viruses and you can happily rug the floor as soon as the last step with the shoes is gone! This way - before the exit - your vacuum cleaner will take inside just dust and no viruses!
About shoes: the easiest way is to drawn a line of tape on the floor near the entrance door, so everybody enters with shoes on stays before the tape and walk the first step across it and the viceversa straight inside the shoes if someone has to go back and forth the home!
About the food the thing can be a little more tricky! I guess (is my opinion but is easily understood) that the handling of foods and the direct eating of them carry a risk of contamination as you are bringing to your mouth your hands! So how can we deal with this apparent contradiction?
You can decide to increase the meal you prepare by yourself but under a particolar condition: you have to use ingredients you bought at least a couple of days before!
Fresh food, used not before a couple of days after it entered your home it's a reasonable waiting time for virus to decay! Furthermore you have to avoid to touch them during the same time after you have stored them!
So go for your next food shopping a couple of days before you are in need of! You can store your purchase in the refrigerator apart from other food, paying attention to wash thoroughly your hands as soon as you have finish to store it!
Can be nice that before you go for shopping you have just eaten so your contact with your mouth is delayed and just for that, safer! Never leave your attention to drop during the storage of new bought food! Sometime happens that you enter your home and your attention drops!
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Bianca Berg |
And now breathing: you have to know that masks with valve, protect you but do not protect your immediate neighbors (within the 3-4 feet around you!), so if you are going to visit old parents they are not protected form your viruses if you have some inside you! In this case try to find a better mask.
If you are crossing the path of other persons, you can keep your breath or just exhale for the few next seconds to avoid to breath where others did it in the seconds before!
and then?
I dare to add a small yet I think interesting suggestion: try to eat spicy foods adding them with red hot
pepper, ginger or Sichuan pepper, they do not heal anything, they are not virus killer, they have not the structure to be a healing principle but… they irritate your throat mucosa inducing it to produce a tiny layer of fluid mucus that protects you better against the installation of the virus in it! a sort of fluid glove!
pepper, ginger or Sichuan pepper, they do not heal anything, they are not virus killer, they have not the structure to be a healing principle but… they irritate your throat mucosa inducing it to produce a tiny layer of fluid mucus that protects you better against the installation of the virus in it! a sort of fluid glove!
You have to buy nothing costly: you just have to take maybe a new taste habit.
How much do you have to eat? the right amount for you to feel your nose running and your throat in need of clearing!Someone speaks about ginger too and I agree!
What about masks?
I'm asking myself for long!!! As the virus survives just few days after contamination, it should be sufficient to have enough masks to create a sort of turnover keeping the masks separate each other in order to avoid contamination between the one you have just dismissed and the one you are going to put in service! How many? check for the virus surviving and use a couple of days more, do not touch the external surface of the dismissed mask because it can contain viruses if you ever came in contact with it!
… be patient and live peaceful: every ounce of energy you can save from anxiety you can devote to careful and skilled actions; as soon as you start to understand it's like fasten seat belts, you do not think to accidents every time you wear them. Now it can be the same: you do it because now there is a strong need for!
So do whatever you could not in your busy days of your recent past!
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©You have to cite the source in case of use