Aug 29, 2012

Solutions Vs Objectives

I've seen the Short's short video "FLY1" (Alan Short is the author name also).

One of my friends commented that there is non limit to human stupidity and I objected that this is not the case. What pushed the first two characters (the fly is the third one) to act this way was another big problem of human mind: the sudden setting of the seems-to-be main goal.

The true problem for the two characters in the video is the choice of the goal they would pursue to solve their problem; the same happens inside teams too when they are looking for a good solution the a rising problem.

Strange: the goal and the solution of a problem sometime seem so tied together that just one amongst many possible different solving actions is transformed immediately into a goal and the person/teams struggle to pursue this objective instead of let evolving actions for the solution of the problem.

So, starting with the first instinctive response, the two allied opponents have set their goal and immediately forgotten the problem they had to face: Problem/Solution indeed belong to a higher abstraction level compared with goals, but Goal is easier to be maintained.

Just when many attempts to achieve the same goal (not to speak about the many repeating actions peoples normally do to achieve the same wrong goal!), peoples normally accept to discuss their original goal. Indeed just the not human player found the right solution in the movie!

So to have a solution to a problem, local goals must be frequently reshaped on the fly (!)
Moreover, in this particular case there is another important factor the main attacking players would not take into account: John Nash's Equilibrium Theory. Using that, they could get the right response to the disturbing flying object! And again: just a not human player gave the answer.
I have no idea how well prepared was Alan Short about human mind and John Nash's theory, but sometime artists are able to recognize things that scientists reach after a long while!

Mar 20, 2012

Corollary to Lawrence Peter's law

Following a discussion about system inaction here, I can enunciate my Postulate to Peter's law extended to Systems (Human organizations): every observable and manageable system is full of peoples who tend to avoid any decision until they are obliged to do that! Every system (human structure) tends to attract peoples that feel themselves protected in similar structures. Every position is occupied by persons that do not bother higher levels taking not foreseen actions. A person is promoted to a higher level until he does not produce problems. When they reach a position that starts to create problems at that time the person is paralyzed! The functional area the person occupies is then blocked. Sooner or later all the position in an organization are occupied by paralyzed peoples All functional areas are then blocked. Every system doesn't react till is obliged to do it. At that time it starts to eject peoples in the areas involved, creating innovation for a short time.

Mar 13, 2012

Meta complexity of Complexity analyzers introduce a higher level of complexity

Exploring and exploiting complexity introduce a higher level of complexity creating an escalation toward the complexity itself

As complexity rises, as more complexity hunters work to prevent it and to catch the right moment in the complexity to get the best.
As they use tools to prevent the complexity to produce damages or to gain money, their tools are tuned on a particular wavelength of the phenomena they are checking.

The tuning of the different tools are used, is never the same for all the tools or for all the complexity explorers because they are taking into account of different factors; so, when the controlling systems working on different phenomena aspects and not perfectly tuned each other create a reaction on the system itself they participate in full to phenomenon creation then to the wavelength formation of the phenomenon itself.

So having different wavelength they produce a kind continuous and flat noise in the general system because perturbation they create is not tuned with others so they can leave the background noise apparently flat and gain information each one for the aspects thay are taking into account.

Yet they have a wavelength in their process formation and they are tuned on a particular frequency they produce and use; sooner o later the tools all together will produce a tuned peek that creates strong turbulences in the environment they are analyzing and exploiting.
So complexity analysis can create a higher degree of complexity introducing a sort of Meta complexity.
A kind of lower order Fourier transform wave.

We can say that this case is a quantic system, the observer influences the system!

(after a discussion with a friend back to 2006, during a Microsoft seminar)